Retrospective Replay – Bomberman 64 The Second Attack!

gameAfter Bomberman Hero, fans of the series were waiting for the true sequel to Bomberman 64 to arrive.  Of course, my brother and I were a part of that fanbase.  On Christmas 2000, we unwrapped a fresh copy of Bomberman 64:  The Second Attack!  In excitement, we ran around the house a good two to three times with the box, quickly opening up the side flap to reveal a neatly tucked-away cartridge and full-color instruction manual.  So does the game live up to the initial hype I had fifteen years ago?  Let’s find out!

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Retrospective Replay – Bomberman Hero

maxresdefaultAt the time of Bomberman 64’s release, Super Mario 64 became one of the most well-known critically acclaimed platforming games of all time.  To cash in on the success of the game, Hudson decided to postpone development to the sequel of Bomberman 64 and released Bomberman Hero, an action platforming game staring the famous blue bomber.

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Retrospective Replay – Bomberman 64 for Nintendo 64

Bomberman_64_Box_ArtBomberman 64 was the blue bomber’s first appearance in 3D form as well as his first appearance on Nintendo’s then-new Nintendo 64.  There were three Bomberman games released on the Nintendo 64 and thankfully not only do I have amazingly fond memories of each game to share, but I also happen to still own all three games in my collection, each with hundreds of hours poured into by myself and with friends and family members.  Do each of these games still hold up?

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